Monday, August 30, 2010

A long time...a year, I guess...

Well, I'm back. If anyone's ever had interest in my blog, that interest has to be at an all time low because this has been dormant for a year now. As far as I'm concerned, it's exactly a year: Surprisingly, it was on the first day of class last fall that I last posted--and today is that day for 2010.

I'm honored to have been entrusted with another two classes--and I'm excited to be a shaping influence within them. I have come to think more and more of teaching writing as having and modeling good judgment, thanks to having read Quintilian last year. When I think of judgment, I am thinking of selective response designed to help a writer become a growing member of a discourse community. What the word, "judgment," communicates to me is how the practice of giving response is an ethical endeavor. And I love that. And I sincerely hope that my judgment may be as good as it can be this year.

I find myself thinking of other things to say right now, but it is a moment where I would be saying to be saying something--not the kind of reaction to objects and/or others that I would like to have inspire me. So I'm going to can it.