Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A little check-in

OK. Not much of interest here to most, and in fact, it is a completely extemporaneous posting. Well, today was a good one for a couple of reasons. First, I know my students in my New Media course got very good practice in recognizing and theorizing the meaning of their own stories of being new media producers-consumers today. That was great to see. Specifically, it a was an important time for voicing perspectives, for overhearing from one another--a time where discussion showed its epistemic power. Second, I had time to work on my writing centers article on tutors' choices in sessions. And I can say that the text is still supple to me--that is, although I haven't spent time with it since late this summer, its problems and possibilities are still very much present to me. I don't feel like I have to get out the jumper cables and discover what new beast the old one has turned into. And that is a good feeling.

Fall is coming. It will leave us in upstate NY on Saturday, which may prove to be a fun break, but I'm guessing it won't for me. For some reason, I am looking forward to the cold with some anticipation. I am sure that in uttering something like this I really asking for it.

So I better stop.

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